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[Download]Name: Zhao L Z, Xue R J, Wang W H, et al. LaGa-based bulk metallic glasses[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(1): 018106.

Class: 2017


We report the formation of LaGa-based bulk metallic glasses. Ternary La–Ga–Cu glassy rods of 2–3 mm in diameter can be easily formed in a wide composition range by the conventional copper mold casting method. With minor addition of extra elements such as Co, Ni, Fe, Nb, Y, and Zr, the critical diameter of the full glassy rods of the La–Ga–Cu matrix can be markedly enhanced to at least 5 mm. The characteristics and properties of these new LaGa-based bulk metallic glasses with excellent glass formation ability and low glass transition temperature are model systems for fundamental issues investigation and could have some potential applications in micromachining field.

Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
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