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[Download]Name: Lu Z, Yang X N, Sun B A, et al. Divergent strain acceleration effects in metallic glasses[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2017, 130: 229-233.

Class: 2017

Relaxation is a key feature in glassy physics, and the strain-induced effects on relaxations inmetallic glasses are of ractical significance, yet still unclear. Through a contrastive combination of dynamical mechanical spectroscopy nd linear-heating stress relaxation methods, we find that strain effectively facilitates the relaxation dynamics ith divergent modulation behaviors in a wide temperature range for metallic glasses. Two loading modes are oupled with linear-heating, and we experimentally confirm the “temperature-strain equivalence”. Our results enefit for better understanding the unique effect of strain on relaxation and for providing guidance on applications f metallic glasses with improved performances at different temperatures.
Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
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