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Name: Z. Zhang, Ru Ju Wang, L. Xia, B.C. Wei, D. Q. Zhao, M. X. Pan, Wei Hua Wang

Class: 2003

Z. Zhang, Ru Ju Wang, L. Xia, B.C. Wei, D. Q. Zhao, M. X. Pan, Wei Hua Wang,"Elastic behavior and microstructural characteristic of Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass investigated by ultrasonic measurement under pressure"J. Phys. : Condens. Matter,  15, 4503-4509(2003)
Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
Tel: 8610-82649880 E-mail:dingdawei@aphy.iphy.ac.cn