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Liquid-like behaviours of metallic glassy nanoparticles at room temperature 2020-03-16

Liquid-like behaviours of metallic glassy nanoparticles at room temperature

Direct atomic-scale observations and measurements on dynamics of amorphous metallic nanoparticles (a-NPs) are challenging owing to the insufficient consciousness to their striking characterizations and the difficulties in technological approaches. In this study, we observe coalescence process of the a-NPs at atomic scale. We measure the viscosity of the a-NPs through the particles coalescence by in situ method. We find that the a-NPs have fast dynamics, and the viscosity of the a-NPs exhibits a power law relationship with size of the aNPs. The a-NPs with sizes smaller than 3nm are in a supercooled liquid state and exhibit liquid-like behaviours with a decreased viscosity by four orders of magnitude lower than that of bulk glasses. These results reveal the intrinsic flow characteristics of glasses in low demension, and pave a way to understand the liquid-like behaviours of low dimension glass, and are also of key interest to develop size-controlled nanodevices.




Nat. Commun. 10, 1966 (2019).pdf 



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