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Fast Surface Dynamics of Metallic Glass Enable Superlatticelike Nanostructure Growth 2020-03-15

Fast Surface Dynamics of Metallic Glass Enable Superlatticelike Nanostructure Growth

Contrary to the formation of complicated polycrystals induced by general crystallization, a modulated superlatticelike nanostructure, which grows layer by layer from the surface to the interior of a Pd40Ni10Cu30P20 metallic glass, is observed via isothermal annealing below the glass transition temperature.Thegenerationofthemodulatednanostructurecanbesolelycontrolledbytheannealingtemperature, and it can be understood based on the fast dynamic and liquidlike behavior of the glass surface. The observations have implications for understanding the glassy surface dynamics and pave a way for the controllable fabrication of a unique and sophisticated nanostructure on a glass surface to realize the properties’ modification.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.016101 

PRL17-surface superlattice nanostructure in MGs.pdf 

Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
Tel: 8610-82649880 E-mail:dingdawei@aphy.iphy.ac.cn