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Building the bridge between physics and material science in amorphous metals 2010-09-15

The Sino-German Workshop of “Building the bridge between physics and material science in amorphous metals”

                Oct. 13-17, 2010, Beijing


Chinese side:  Prof. Dr. W. H. Wang, P. Wen (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences);

German side: Prof. Dr. K. Samwar, B. Zhang (I. Physikalisches Institut Universitaet Goettingen);

Supported by:  Sino-German Center for Research Promotion;

Metallic glasses are of current interest and significance in condensed matter physics, materials science and engineering because of their unique structural features and outstanding mechanical, physical and chemical properties which provide model systems for studying some long-standing fundamental issues and have potential engineering and functional applications. Bulk metallic glass (BMG) forming systems are multicomponent alloys that vitrify with remarkable ease during conventional solidification. The bulky size of the new families BMGs provide plentiful precise knowledge of fundamental parameters of elastic moduli, which offer a benchmark reference point for application and understanding the glasses. In last 20 years, significant amounts of various BMG systems and data on mechanical and physical properties as well as the information on the microstructural characteristics have been collected.  However, little work has been done on the physics of the metallic glasses, and attention mainly is paid on the material science aspect of the materials,  and the nature and formation of metallic glass remains one of the least understood subjects in condensed matter physics and material science today, because of the highly complex and many-body nature of the problem. 
The workshop of "Building the bridge between physics and material science in amorphous metals" was organized to overcome this difficulty and to start establishing the common language and bridge the research between physics and material science in metallic glass field. 
The  workshop, hold in Beijing from 13th - 16th, Oct. 2010, is co-organized by Prof. K. Samwer and Dr. B. Zhang of University Goettingen, and Prof. W.H. Wang and Prof. P. Wen of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  Professor W.H. Wang and P. Wen will be the local host of the workshop. The workshop is supported by Sino-German Center for Research Promotion. All the participants of the workshop are invited including 10 German scientists, 21 Chinese scientists and 2 international scientists to make statement and discussion about the latest progress, developmental direction, and the connection between physics and material science in the amorphous metals field.
The main topics and contents of the workshop including (1) Plastic mechanism in metallic glasses; (2) Dynamical heterogeneity, fragility, aging and rejuvenation as well as their connection to structure. (3) The universal aspects and mechanism of glass formation. (4) The structural and electronic features and characteristics of metallic glasses as well as their relation with property. (5) Mechanism of microalloying in metallic glass formation and giant properties change;It is expected that the workshop could promote the effective collaboration between German and Chinese scientists in glass field in the future.
10 German participants:
Prof. KonradSamwer                             Prof. Juergen Eckert
Prof. Ralf Busch                                     Prof. Dieter Herlach
Prof. Cynthia A.Volkert                         Prof. Franz Faupel
Prof. Andreas Meyer                             Prof. Herbert R. Schober
Dr.Thomas Voigtmann                          Dr.Matthias Sperl
21 Chinese participants:
Prof. Yue Wu                                          Prof. M.W. Chen                                   Prof. X.L. Wang
Prof. Wei Hua WANG                             Prof. E Ma                                            Prof. Z.F. Zhang
Prof. Li- Ming Wang                                Prof. Z. P. Lu                                      Prof. X. F. Bian
Prof. B.L. Shen                                         Prof. Ke Fu Yao                                  Prof. Lan-Hong Dai
Prof. Yi-Neng Huang                               Prof. X.K. Xi                                       Prof. Mao Zhi Li
Prof. Ri Ping LIU                                     Prof. P. Wen                                        Prof. Lin Liu
Prof. Chuang Dong                                  Prof. Jian Xu                                         Prof. M. Y. Hou
2 international invited speakers:
Prof. T. Egami
Prof. Michael Falk

Program of the "Building the bridge between physics and material science in amorphous metals" workshop
13th - 16th, Oct. 2010, Beijing
Oct 12, 2010, 15:30-   Check-in and welcome reception;
Oct 13-15,    Workshop time;

Oct 16, 2010 Excursion for German participants; Leaving for others.

Report time: 15 min; Question time: 20 min. 

Conference site: Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, Shuangqing Road 83, Beijing, Tel.: 0086-10-62320088 γ€€

 Hotel: Park Plaza Beijing Science Park, Zhichun Road 25, Beijing, Tel. 0086-10-82356699

                                             13 Oct. 2010 8:30-9:00 Opening remark,     W. H. Wang and K. Samwer
Chairman: Dieter Herlach
T. Egami
Statistical mechanics of metallic glasses and liquids
E. Ma
Local structure and polyamorphism in amorphous metals
Lunch, 12:10-13:30
Chairman: Yue Wu
D. Herlach
Comparison of metals and colloids: short-range order  in liquid state and crystal nucleation
X. F. Bian
Structural characteristics of glass forming liquids
Y. N. Huang
The microstructure evolution of the glass transition
Tea break, 15:15-15:45
Chairman: T. Egami
J. Eckert
Transformation-mediated plasticity and the role of heterogeneity on improving the deformability of metallic glasses
Y. Wu
Structural changes induced by microalloying in metallic glasses
M. Z. Li
Structural heterogeneity, medium-range order and slow dynamics in ZrCu metallic glasses
17:00-18:30 Discussion; Chairmen: K. Samwer and W.H. Wang
19:00 Dinner

14 Oct. 2010
Chairman: Michael Falk
W. H. Wang
Correlation between Beta relaxation and shear transformation zone in metallic glasses
C. Dong
Cluster-plus-glue-atom structural model for complex metallic alloys
L. H. Dai
The mechanism of the fracture in bulk metallic glasses
Tea break 10:15-10:45
Chairman: X.L. Wang
M. Falk
Two-Temperature Thermodynamics and the STZ Theory of Deformation in Amorphous Solids
R. Busch
On the fragility of metallic glass forming liquids
B. Zhang
Elastic size effect in metallic glass
Lunch time 12:30-13:30
Chairman: Ralf Busch
Z. F. Zhang
Fracture, strength and plasticity of metallic glasses
K. F. Yao
The deformation and fracture behaviours of bulk metallic glasses
M.W. Chen
The mechanical properties in metallic glasses
J. Xu
Locating bulk metallic glasses with high fracture toughness: chemical effects and composition optimization
Coffee break  15:50-16:20
Chairman: E. Ma
K. Samwer
Relaxations modes in glassy materials
B. L. Shen
The Glass-forming Ability and Soft-magnetic Properties of Fe- and Co-based Glassy Alloys
Z. P. Lu
Enhanced properties in bulk metallic glasses from the coupling of heterogeneity at multiple length scales
18:05-19:15 Discussion; Chairmen: K. Samwer and W.H. Wang
19:30 Dinner
15 Oct. 2010
Chairman: A. Meyer
F. Faupel
Dynamic arrest in multicomponent glass forming alloys
M. Sperl
Granular Matter from the Glass Transition to Random-Close Packing
L. M. Wang
Excess vibrational entropy and fragility of liquid metals and alloys
Tea break 10:15-10:45
Chairman:  Franz Faupel
T. Voigtmann
Slow dynamics in dense melts
P. Wen
The complex dynamical behaviours in bulk metallic forming liquids
H. R. Schober
Soft modes in glasses
Lunch time 12:00-13:30
Chairman: M.W. Chen
A. Meyer
Atomic Dynamics and Structure in viscous Zr-based alloys
X. L. Wang
M. Y. Hou
The critical state in sheared granular solid
X. K. Xi
Local structure and electronic properties of AlxLa85-xNi15 metallic glass
Coffee break  15:50-16:20
Chairman: H. R. Schober
R. P. Liu
Preparation of large-sized bulk metallic glass components for applications in space
L. Liu
The Potential of Bulk Metallic Glasses as Biomaterials
17:30-19:30 Discussion and summary; Chairmen: K. Samwer and W.H. Wang
19:30 Banquet
Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
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