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PhD, in Materials Science and Engineering, 1997-2000, Jilin University, China.
- Dissertation title: “Melting thermodynamics of nanocrystals”.
- Research work: Modeling of the melting behavior of nanocrystals (metallic and organic particles), thermal stability of low dimensional nanocrystals: particles, thin films and nanowires. Size effect on melting temperature and on melting entropy of metallic and organic particles.
- Distinguished graduate student award, 1997.
- Teaching assistant duty.
MSc, in Materials Science and Engineering, 1985-1988, Southwest Jiaotong University, China.
- Thesis title: “Coating of hard materials on the surface of tool steel: technique, microstructure and properties”
- Research work: Coating techniques by salt bath and chemical vapor deposition (CVD); microstructure analysis, cutting and wear properties of the coated tool steel.
BSc, in Materials Science and Engineering, 1981-1985, Jilin Institute of Technology, China.
2001- Postdoc researcher Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Preparation of amorphous ribbons and bulk metallic glasses ( Zr-, Fe-, Cu- and Nd-based ) by the single roller melt-sping technique and the die casting method.
Study of glass transition and magnetic properties of the metallic glasses.
Investigation of thermal stability and microstructure transition of the metallic glasses by ultrasonic and internal friction methods.
2001 Wang Kuancheng postdoc foundation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
1988-1996 Engineer Jilin Metallurgy Research Institute, Changchun, China
Production of CoO, NiO and Co, Ni powders
Laboratory experiments
Production techniques design
1. Z. Zhang, L. Xia, R. J. Wang, B. C. Wei, M. X. Pan, W. H. Wang, “Structural evolution and properties change of Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass during crystallization”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 (2002), 4371.
2. Z. Zhang, R. J. Wang, L. Xia, B. C. Wei, D. Q. Zhao, M. X. Pan, W. H. Wang, “Elastic behavior and microstructural characteristic of Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass investigated by ultrasonic measurement under pressure”, J. Phys. C: submitted.
3. Z. Zhang, P. Wen, W. H. Wang “Low frequency internal friction investigation of microstructural transition in Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass upon continuous heating”, Mater. Sci. forum (2003), in press.
4. Z. Zhang, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Melting temperatures of semiconductor nanocrystals in mesoscopic size range”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 16 (2001) L33-L35.
5. Z. Zhang, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Glass Transition Thermodynamics of Organic Nanoparticles”, Physica B 293 (2001) 232.
6. Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Modeling for Size-dependent and Dimension-dependent Melting of Nanocrystals”, J. Phys. D 33(2000) 2653.
7. Z. Zhang, H. X. Shi, Q. Jiang, “Glass Transition of Organic Nanoparticles”, Mater. Lett. 44(2000) 261.
8. Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Size effect on the freezing of Pb particles”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 19(2000) 1893.
9. Q. Jiang, Z. Zhang, Y. W. Wang, “Thermal Stability of Low Dimensional Crystals” J. Mater. Sci. Eng. A322 (2000) 549.
10. Q. Jiang, Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, “Size-dependent Superheating of Nanocrystals Embedded in Matrix”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 286(2000) 139.
11. Q. Jiang, Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, “Melting Thermodynamics of Nanocrystals embedded in Matrix”, Acta. Mater. 48(2000) 4791.
12. Z. Zhang, X. X. Lü, Q. Jiang,“Finite Size Effect on Melting Entropy and melting Enthalpy in Nanocrystals”, Physica B270 (1999) 249.
13. Q. Jiang, Z. Zhang, D. T. Hsu, M. Iskandar, “Two Limits of Melting Temperatures of Nanocrystals”, J. Mater. Sci. 34 (1999) 5919.
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