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Chen-chen Yuan Ph.D 2015-10-16

Chen-chen Yuan  Ph.D
Sep. 2003-Jul. 2007:     Northeast University, Material science and engineering, Bachelor of Science;
Sep. 2007-Jul. 2009:      Chinese Academy of Science, Material science, Graduate student;
Sep. 2009-now:          Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science; Ph. D. Candidate.
The strain softening properties of various bulk metallic glasses, stress–strain relations of
Plastic work energy dissipation effects on the elastic modulus scaling of materials strength.
The main used equipments:
Arc-melt furnace;
Induction-melt furnance;
MAC M03 XHF diffractometer for X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Cu Ka radiation);
MATEC 6600 model ultrasonic system (measuring elastic moduli using a pulse echo overlap method);
Instron 5500R1186 equipment for mechanical properties test.
Tel. 010-82649573  E-mail: yuanchenchen@aphy.iphy.ac.cn

Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
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