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Jun-qiang Wang,PhD candidate 2015-10-16

Jun-qiang Wang, PhD candidate

now Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology

Tel: 86-10-82649585
E-mail: wangjq@aphy.iphy.ac.cn

September, 2006-now:  Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science; PhD candidate ;
September, 2005-July, 2006:  Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Science; graduate student;
September, 2001-July, 2005:  Department of Physics, Northeast Normal University; Bachelor of  Science.

(1) Anomaly physical properties at low temperatures of bulk metallic glasses induced by RE-elements micro-alloying, such as heavy-fermion phenomenon and Schottky anomaly;
(2) The change of microstructure and mechanical properties induced by micro-alloying;
(3) Searching for new BMGs systems;
(4) Now, I am studying the properties of Yb-based BMGs and looking for new correlation between the moduli of BMGs.

The main used equipments:
a. Arc-melt furnace;
b. Induction-melt furnance;
c. MAC M03 XHF diffractometer for X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Cu K radiation);
d. Physical properties measurement system (PPMS 6000, Quantum Design Inc.);
e. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC-7,Perkin-Elmer);
f. MATEC 6600 model ultrasonic system (measuring elastic moduli using a pulse echo overlap method);
g. Instron 5500R1186 equipment for mechanical properties test.

Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
Tel: 8610-82649880 E-mail:dingdawei@aphy.iphy.ac.cn