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DMA 2021-07-06

name: DMA
Model: TA Q800
Materials: TA Q800
Size: TA Q800
Category: Experimental equipment

TA Instrument DMA Q800

Key words:

stress-strain and stress-relaxation curves, loss and storage modulus as a function of frequency and temperature, linear and volumetric coefficients of thermal expansion and contraction, and flexural modes of deformation, compressive, tensile

Measured quantity:

DMA measures mechanical properties, such as modulus (elasticity) and viscosity (damping) as a function of time, temperature, frequency, stress or combinations of these parameters.

Main application:

A DMA can be used to determine the viscoelastic behaviour of materials, perform creep experiments and study changes in damping capacity and modulus as a function of temperature and humidity.

Frequency range: 0.01 to 200 Hz | Temperature range: -145 to 600°C

Copyright: © Group EX4,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics,Chinese Academy of Science
Tel: 8610-82649880 E-mail:dingdawei@aphy.iphy.ac.cn