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资料名称:Liu, M. et al. Stability of metallic glasses under simulated space conditions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 902, doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.163811 (2022).



Metallic glasses (MGs), due to their exceptional properties resulting from the amorphous structures, may be potential candidates for space applications. However, the effect of space conditions on the stability of MGs is not clear, which should be taken into account for practical use. The present work assessed the thermal stabilities of MGs in the simulated space thermal fields under vacuum condition, with a specific focus on the cryogenic thermal cycling with a high ratio of the non-isothermal to isothermal durations and the cryogenic treatment for a long-duration. The dynamics and thermal properties of MGs under the simulated space conditions were found to be different than those in laboratory-based conditions. MGs with lower fragility values were also determined to show greater thermal stability. On this basis, rules for the selection of MGs to ensure thermal stability during future space applications were proposed. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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