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[点击下载]资料名称:M. C. Ri et al.(2018) Stress effects on magnetic property of Fe-based metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 495 (2018) 54-58.


The investigation on the stress relief of magnetic materials is important both for the industrial process and the
academic research. In this work, the stress effects on the magnetic characteristics in Fe-based metallic glasses
(MGs) are investigated under the applied bending stress and various annealing treatments. It was found that both the magnetic induction intensity B and effective permeability μ′ decrease while coercivity Hc increases with the applied compressive stress, indicating that the compressive effect is dominant on the magnetic characteristics in Fe78Si9B13 MG ribbons. We also found that the wide domain wall movement and the rotation of the narrow domains are seriously affected by internal stress during the magnetization process. Our results reveal that the stress relief plays a critical role in improving magnetic properties of Fe-based MGs and are helpful for understanding the correlations between the stress, microstructure change and magnetic softness in magnetic MGs.
版权所有: © 中国科学院物理研究所EX4组 中国科学院物理研究所EX4组
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